Issue 13, August 2022
In this edition, we feature a number of perspectives on reading as a human right: Greg Ashman reports on the Ontario Human Rights Commission's Right to Read inquiry, while Benjamin Hanckel, Alan Morris and Keiko Yasukawa's research into how low literacy levels affect people who are homeless or have experienced homelessness in the past – giving a very human face to the sometimes abstract 'Reading Wars'.
Our attention then turns to the when, where and how of reading instruction: when should we begin to teach reading, how much phonics should we teach, how do we choose the right approach, how can teaching be made more effective, and what is the role of commercially available programs when teaching reading. All are explored in this edition.
Elsewhere Dr Jennifer Buckingham debunks the claims of a so-called "landmark study" on reading research, while Professor Pamela Snow discusses how the Stages of Change Model can be applied to efforts to move away from Balanced Literacy.
You can view a digital edition of Nomanis here, download a PDF of the whole edition here, or read the individual articles below:
Five ways to ensure that your teaching of reading is effective: Christopher Such
Leaving the Balanced Literacy habit behind – A theory of change: Pamela Snow
We hope you enjoy this edition.