
Issue 18, December 2024

This edition of Nomanis shifts the focus to writing – both handwriting and composition. Anabela Malpique, Deborah Pino Pasternak and Susan Ledger outline their research on handwriting vs typing and how it influences the texts they produce; Alison Clarke wades into the quagmire that is Australian school handwriting fonts; and Shawn Datchuk highlights the importance of handwriting instruction for both reading and writing outcomes.

As we reach a point of greater acceptance of the Science of Reading, Margaret Goldberg provides her reflections on the current situation in the US, while Greg Ashman shares his thoughts on how bad ideas still survive – and in fact thrive – in education.

Elsewhere in this edition, Nicola Bell delves into the research on why leisure reading isn’t just a nice thing to do, but how it improves children’s reading proficiency, and Chloe Allen and Iain Rothwell share how a structured literacy approach is meeting the needs of students in majority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander schools.

You can view a digital edition of Nomanis here, download a PDF of the full edition here, or read the individual articles below:

Editorial – The sound of MUSEC: Kevin Wheldall and Robyn Wheldall

What we've been reading

What does brain science have to say about teaching reading? Does it matter?: Tim Shanahan

What's in a name?: Greg Ashman

Our research shows children produce better pieces of writing by hand. But they need keyboard skills too: Anabela Malpique, Deborah Pino Pasternak, and Susan Ledger

Hoping for the best is not a viable strategy: Margaret Goldberg

The benefits of leisure reading: Nicola Bell

Do our literacy heroes fail us, or do we fail ourselves?: Harriett Janetos

Handwriting – Beneficial to reading and often misunderstood: Shawn Datchuk

NAPLAN results again show 1 in 3 students don't meet minimum standards: Jessica Holloway

Learning to handwrite fluently gives your child a big advantage: David Kinnane

Australian school handwriting: Alison Clarke

A structured literacy approach for majority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander schools: The MultiLit Closing the Gap Initiative: Chloe Allen and Iain Rothwell

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