Welcome to Nomanis

Reading | Teaching | Learning | Connecting

Nomanis is published twice a year to promote ideas and evidence about effective instruction in reading and related skills, for teachers, parents educational professionals and policymakers. It aims to bring together engaging and readable accounts of developments in the teaching of reading and writing, distilled from the research literature, with a focus on how these findings can be translated into practice.

As our objective is to bring these findings to as wide an audience as possible, please feel free to share editions and articles with your networks.


Issue 18, December 2024

This edition of Nomanis shifts the focus to writing – both handwriting and composition. Anabela Malpique, Deborah Pino Pasternak and Susan Ledger...


Issue 17, June 2024

In this edition, we turn the spotlight on assessment: the when, why and how. Timothy Shanahan compares nonsense word tests and word ID tests, Daisy...


Issue 16, January 2024

Embracing explicit instruction as a path to creating inclusive classrooms for all students is a focus in this latest edition, with Robyn and Kevin...


Issue 15, September 2023

The latest edition of Nomanis covers many aspects of literacy – from the benefits of oral storytelling, to a deep dive into phonemic proficiency, to...


Issue 14, December 2022

We’re turning our attention, in this edition, to spelling and writing instruction. J. Richard Gentry outlines why spelling should be hot in the...


Issue 13, August 2022

In this edition, we feature a number of perspectives on reading as a human right: Greg Ashman reports on the Ontario Human Rights Commission's Right...


Issue 12, December 2021

We’re focusing on what works when it comes to literacy in this edition, and translating scientific evidence into practice both in the policy arena...


Issue 11, June 2021

In this edition, we tackle a critical question: are we there yet, on the long winding road towards improving reading instruction? Pamela Snow...


Issue 10, December 2020

In this edition, we return to the science of reading: Emina McLean discusses why there are bigger questions around how to teach reading than the...


Issue 9, June 2020

In this edition, David Kinnane looks at why poor children are more likely to be poor readers – and what we can do about it, while Jodie Watson...


Issue 8, October 2019

In this edition, Pamela Snow examines what evidence-based practice in education means in 2019, while Jennifer Buckingham reports on how...


Issue 7, June 2019

In this edition of Nomanis, one of our themes is explicit teaching – Jennifer Buckingham and Anne Castles explore how some children learn to read...


Issue 6, November 2018

Just in time for Summer reading, in the November edition of Nomanis we cover the L3 literacy program, Evidence for Learning's mission to gather...


Issue 5, July 2018

In this edition, we canvass topics such as providing whole-school support for students with learning difficulties, South Australia's trial of the...


Issue 4, December 2017

In this edition, we continue our focus on phonics, with an explainer from Kevin Wheldall, Pamela Snow and Linda Graham; a discussion of why the...


Issue 3, August 2017

In this edition of Nomanis, we focus on phonics, prompted by recent calls for the introduction of a phonics screening check in Australia. Other...


Issue 2, December 2016

The need for effective early reading instruction in schools is a theme carried through several of the articles in the second edition of Nomanis,...


Issue 1, August 2016

The first edition of Nomanis is out and I suspect that many of you will be asking ‘Why Nomanis?’ or perhaps ‘What is Nomanis?’ The detail of the...

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